Forced Liquidation Execution Policy:
The traders will received the margin call warning from us when the trading account margin falls below 100%.
If your account margin level drops below 50%, you will be forced to liquidate leveraged positions. Forced liquidation refers to the process of reducing the account margin through liquidation. The system will choose which positions to close.
Trading Platform Stop Loss (Forced Liquidation) : When the Trading Platform system “forced liquidation”, the execution policy as following:
All your position will be forced liquidation
Trading Platform Stop Loss (Forced Liquidation) : When the Trading Platform system “forced liquidation”, the execution policy as following:
The pending orders will be canceled
Close the position that currently requires the maximum margin
If “Net Equity”(or “Margin” level) still falls below the forced liquidation level, the system automatically closed your positions starting from the least profitable and next close the position based on the loss until “Net Equity” (or “Margin” level) higher than forced liquidation level